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Supplier information

Have your wedding business listed on Nottinghamshire Weddings!

We are on the lookout for wedding suppliers serving Nottinghamshire to be listed on our wedding suppliers page.

If you would like to be included in our general listing as an 'other' supplier or in our 'featured' supplier listing category, please first contact for more information. You can then review our requirements below. 

Disclaimer: Please note that appearing on the Nottinghamshire Weddings suppliers page as an 'other' or 'featured' supplier does not constitute an endorsement by Nottinghamshire County Council. Users will be advised to undertake their own checks and verifications prior to engaging the services of any suppliers listed.

Choose your supplier type

Other supplier

To be added to our general listing, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • name of your business
  • the URL of your website (alternatively, a social media URL) 

Featured supplier

To be listed as a featured supplier, you will be asked to provide the following general information, contact details and images of your business. 

Provide us with information about your business

Please provide the following general information for your business:

  • the name of your business
  • the category of your supplier (accessories/additional services, catering, flowers, transport, music and entertainment, photography and videography, wedding attire.)
  • a short description of your business and what you do
  • a testimonial (if possible)

Give us your contact details

Please provide the following contact details (where available) for your business:

  • your website address
  • contact details for your business (email address and/or telephone number)
  • links to your social media pages
  • the address of your business

Send us images of your business

If you would like to be listed on our site as a featured supplier, please send us images (in JPEG or PNG format) that best represent your business. 

We need eight images for your page. 

  • One header image (landscape orientation)
  • One listing image (landscape orientation)
  • Six carousel images (landscape or portrait orientation)

Please see further requirements for each on the page below. 

The images must meet the following general standards to be considered:

  • You are responsible for obtaining any necessary consent or permissions from individuals featured in your images to promote your business.
  • Images sent to us can be larger, but not smaller, than the minimum dimensions specified below.
  • Please do not stretch smaller images to meet the minimum requirements as this reduces picture quality and your image or business may not be featured on our site. 
  • Images should not be created using misleading AI image enhancements, image filters, or be otherwise altered to be an inaccurate representation of your work.  For example, a makeup artist applying digital makeup to alter a bride's real makeup or appearance would not be acceptable. A photographer that makes it clear they alter photos to create desired effects for clients would be acceptable. 
  • Should not contain added logos, watermarks, text or graphics. 

Header image (x1)

The requirement for this header image is:

  • landscape orientation, minimum 2000px wide or bigger (height can vary but must not be smaller than 700px)

This image should be high quality and best represent your business. It will be letterboxed (cropped) to a 2000px wide by 700px high banner and used as a header at the top of your page (overlaid with the name of your business).

Please do not attempt to crop this image yourself or stretch a smaller image to meet the 2000px requirement. Send the original high quality image that is at least 2000px wide or larger.  

The image should contain a focal point that can be cropped as shown below and still represent your venue. 

Leave enough space above and below your image's main focal point (subject of your image) to allow for this cropping. 

Please note that we cannot use images with logos or containing text for this image. 

For example, the image below is 2000 pixels wide.

Example of original image at 2000 pixels

This image was cropped by our team as shown to create the page's banner. The area above and below the focal point shown contain elements of the site's navigation and will be partially hidden. 

Example of how an image will be cropped

Listing image (x1) 

The requirement for this listing image is:

  • landscape orientation, minimum 600px wide or larger (height can vary but must not be smaller than 400px high)

This image will be cropped and used to as a thumbnail on our suppliers page and should best represent your business. If no suitable listing image is provided, a landscape carousel image (if available) may be used in its place.

Carousel images (x6)

The requirements for the six carousel images are: 

  • if landscape orientation, minimum 600px wide or larger (height can vary but must not be smaller than 400px high)
  • if portrait orientation, minimum 600px high or larger (width can vary but must not be smaller than 400px wide)

Visitors will be able to browse these images in a gallery on your featured supplier page and should best represent your service.

Please note: If you are unable to provide the necessary images required to be a Featured supplier, we may list your business temporarily as an Other supplier. In this case, we will include your business name and link to your website or social media until suitable images are provided.