Below you will find our terms and conditions of ceremonies for the Nottinghamshire Registrations Service.
1.1 Nottinghamshire Registration Service offers four types of ceremonies:
a) Statutory ceremonies - Statutory ceremonies are held only at the Register Office for Nottinghamshire in Worksop. They are conducted in a Registrar’s office at 10 am weekday mornings to a predetermined format and cannot be personalized. Attendance is restricted to the couple and their two witnesses only.
b) Standard ceremonies - Standard ceremonies are conducted on specified mornings only in Registration Office ceremony rooms. The content of a standard ceremony is predetermined and not subject to any form of personalization. Guests are limited to the seating space available, please check with your chosen venue at the time of booking.
c) Enhanced ceremonies - Enhanced ceremonies can take place in Registration Office ceremony rooms or at licensed Nottinghamshire venues across the county. The content of the ceremony offers a choice of options that need to be agreed with the Registration Service in advance of the ceremony.
d) Bespoke ceremonies - Bespoke ceremonies can take place at any licensed Nottinghamshire venue. The content of the ceremony is individually tailored to the couple's preferences (by agreement with the Registration Service).
1.2 All ceremonies are exclusively delivered by Nottinghamshire Registration Service staff to ensure an appropriate degree of solemnity in keeping with the occasion, and to ensure legal requirements are met.
2.1 Contact us to discuss the venue, date and time for your ceremony. Providing we have a space in our diary and Registrar availability a booking can be made with a deposit, or payment can be made in full.
2.2 If you wish to book a ceremony at one of our licensed venues, please contact them directly for their availability. Once you have done this, you should get in touch with us to make sure we are able to attend on your chosen date before confirming with the venue.
2.3 We will be able to carry out your ceremony providing that:
There is no legal impediment to the marriage or civil partnership going ahead.
All legal preliminaries are completed within statutory time limits.
Any foreign divorce/dissolution papers are acceptable to us or the Registrar General (where applicable).
All appropriate fees are paid.
3.1 Contact us to discuss the venue, date and time for your ceremony. Providing we have a space in our diary and Registrar availability a booking can be made with a deposit, or payment can be made in full.
3.2 Naming and renewal of vows are a way to share a happy occasion with family and friends, but please note that they do not carry any formal legal status or give any person any legal rights.
4.1 Once you have contacted us to book your ceremony, we will allocate suitably qualified and experienced staff and will ensure all legal requirements are met.
5.1 Our ceremony rooms range in size and can accommodate different numbers of guests. We cannot exceed room capacities in any circumstance so we ask that you take your number of guests into account when booking your venue and ceremony room. Please note that any additional guests may be excluded from your ceremony. If you require more information, please speak to a member of our team.
5.2 We also have 70 venues which are approved to hold your ceremony. Qualified staff can be provided to conduct your legal ceremony on site, but please speak to a member of our team or visit our venues page for more details.
6.1 Our fees are published on our wedding ceremony fees page, which are subject to change each April.
6.2 Payment of a deposit or payment in full will reserve space in our diary for a ceremony at a Registration Office or for Registrars to attend a licensed venue. This is subject to a 14-day cooling off period.
6.3 We will confirm the overall fee due in your booking confirmation letter. This will only change if you make amendments to your booking. In all cases the new fee will be advised.
6.4 Subsequent changes to your time, date or venue may be possible, but will be subject to an administration fee of £40. Please note that a change of venue may require fresh notice to be given that will incur further fees.
6.5 If not paid in full at the time of booking, the balance of the ceremony fee is due no later than two (2) calendar months before the ceremony. Please note that we do not send balance reminders. Failure to pay all fees by the given due date will result in the cancellation of the ceremony and the forfeit of any monies paid.
6.6 If you wish to cancel your ceremony, please note that there will be a cancellation fee of £100. (£350 for bespoke ceremonies).
6.7 The fee for giving notice of marriage or civil partnership is currently £42.00 per person. This is a statutory fee set by the Government and is subject to change. Please note that the notice fee is non-refundable and must be paid to the Registrar at the time of giving notice.
6.8 You will need to produce certain documents at the notice appointment, and failure to do so will result in the booking of a new notice appointment, for which a further fee may be payable.
6.9 All payments in person can be made in cash, by cheque or debit/credit card. Card payments are also accepted by telephone.
7.1 You can make changes to the date, time or venue of your booking providing we have a suitable space in our diary. Please note that any changes will be subject to an administration fee of £40 and that these should be confirmed in person, in writing or by email.
7.2 Should you wish to cancel your ceremony booking, please let us know as soon as possible, and confirm this in writing or email. Once we have your written confirmation we will remove the ceremony from our diary and make any refund due after deduction of the cancellation fee.
7.3 Please note that no refund will be made if cancellation is within two (2) calendar months of the date of the ceremony.
7.4 Any ceremonies which are postponed will be treated in the same way as cancellations and will be subject to fees. Postponement shall be treated in the same way as cancellation.
8.1 Refunds will be processed after the expiry of the 14-day cooling off period and when we have received a written notice of cancellation. Please note that we can only refund the person who is recorded as paying the deposit and other balances to us. This can only be made to the person we have recorded as paying the deposit and/or balance to us originally.
8.2 In the event of a cancellation or a postponement, the cancellation fee of £100 (£350 for bespoke ceremonies) will be deducted before any refund is made.
8.3 Please note that no refund will be made if cancellation is within two (2) calendar months of the date of the ceremony.
8.4 Failure to attend the booked ceremony on the appointed day or time will be treated as a cancellation and all monies paid will be forfeit.
9.1 We cannot accept liability for:
9.11Any ceremony that has to be cancelled as a result of events outside our control.
9.12 Any delay or loss caused by the late arrival or non-arrival of you or your guests. The staff attending your ceremony have other ceremonies to attend throughout the day, so will not be able to delay the pre-agreed start time of your ceremony. If it is possible to postpone the ceremony until later in the day, our staff will try to accommodate you. However, if this is not possible and the ceremony needs to be booked for a different day, you would be liable for any additional fees incurred.
9.13 Any loss to you, financial or otherwise, caused by a request from you or your representatives to delay the ceremony. Any decision to delay the ceremony is entirely at the discretion of Nottinghamshire Registration Service.
9.14 The failure of any music system or device provided by the venue, yourself or a third party.
9.15 A Nottinghamshire Registration Service ceremony room being unavailable for reasons beyond our control which results in it being unable to hold your ceremony. In the event of this happening, we will discuss alternative options with you. In these circumstances, such changes will not be subject to an administration or cancellation fee. Please note that we will not accept liability for any costs or consequential loss incurred as a result of having to alter the venue or timing.
9.16 Errors, omissions or failures caused by a venue that is not owned by Nottinghamshire County Council. Or for any agreement between you and the venue for the use or provision of its services. Approval of the venue is granted only in connection with the provision of ceremonies.
9.17 Any loss or compensation where a ceremony is stopped from proceeding because:
a) it would be void if it went ahead
b) an offence under the Marriage or Civil Partnership Acts would be committed, or
c) either party to the marriage is deemed incapable of continuing through illness, consumption of alcohol or other substances. The Registrars in attendance must be satisfied that each party understands the nature and purport of the marriage ceremony.
9.2 We reserve the right to make the final decision on any wording used in the delivery of your ceremony and will not accept liability for any omission.
9.3 Citizenship ceremonies are subject to regulations imposed by the Home Office and therefore Nottinghamshire Registration Service cannot accept any liability for circumstances outside our control.
10.1 We commit to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our staff. We expect members of the public to treat employees with courtesy and respect and will not tolerate anyone who behaves aggressively or abusively towards employees.
11.1 Marriage and Civil Partnership Acts - means the Acts of Parliament (and any regulations made under those Acts) covering the legal preliminaries to, the solemnization and registration of a civil marriage/civil partnership either in a register office or approved premises within England and Wales.
11.2 Licensed venue - means Approved Premises licensed by Nottinghamshire Registration Service under the Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 for the solemnization and registration of civil marriages and civil partnerships.
11.3 Unlicensed venue – any other location that Nottinghamshire Registration Service has agreed in advance to attend to provide non-statutory services only.
12.1 We welcome all your comments to help us improve our services in the future. We treat customer complaints very seriously and subscribe to Nottinghamshire County Council’s corporate complaints policy which can be found on our website under Comments, compliments and complaints.