Alan is a six year old boy of white British heritage, who has experienced neglect and physical abuse. A welcoming young boy, Alan encourages other people to join in his games. His foster carers say that Alan has come on a long way since he has been living with them. Although Alan will need some extra support, it is clear that he has the ability to progress and develop.
Socially, Alan is charming and loves spending time with other children and adults. He has shown a good ability to make attachments and given his unloving start in life, he has made great strides.
Although there are some developmental uncertainties, Alan has made good progress in all areas including his speech, education and day to day tasks. It is hoped this will continue but he will need monitoring and careful work to ensure he benefits as much as possible from a new and more stable and loving environment.
The illustrative profiles given are fictional and any similarity to actual children is coincidental.